Mendip Forestry Limited

Founded in 1981, Mendip Forestry Ltd is a well-established independent timber harvesting and marketing company, operating from three locations in the South of England.

The company are specialists in marketing of all species of timber, both conifers and broadleaves, we purchase both standing and thinning wood and clearfell parcels throughout the UK.

The Company

With FSC® (C134890) Chain of Custody Certification, Mendip Forestry Ltd are fully supportive of environmental forest management systems and through our certification, can pass on any marketing advantages to be gained.

We also deliver transit loads of both hard and soft wood logs to local households within a radius of 25 miles from our Worcestershire sawmill.

Hillbarn Sawmills Gloucestershire

  • Risk free sales protected from market debt

  • Guaranteed returns for sale of timber

  • Truly independent marketing advice with no tie in to any particular end user

  • FSC® (C134890) Chain of Custody Certification products available upon request

  • Can offer complete “open book” costing systems


The Office

:: Address: Mendip Forestry Ltd, Honeybridge,
Brokerswood, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4EG
:: Phone: 01373 858998
:: Mobile: 07802 436461
:: Email:
:: Web:

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